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- #!/usr/bin/perl
- eval 'exec /usr/bin/perl -S $0 ${1+"$@"}'
- if $running_under_some_shell;
- #!/usr/bin/perl -w
- use strict;
- use Test::Harness;
- use Test::Harness::Util qw( all_in blibdirs shuffle );
- use Getopt::Long;
- use Pod::Usage 1.12;
- use File::Spec;
- use vars qw( $VERSION );
- $VERSION = '2.64';
- my $shuffle = 0;
- my $dry = 0;
- my $blib = 0;
- my $lib = 0;
- my $recurse = 0;
- my @includes = ();
- my @switches = ();
- # Allow cuddling the paths with the -I
- @ARGV = map { /^(-I)(.+)/ ? ($1,$2) : $_ } @ARGV;
- # Stick any default switches at the beginning, so they can be overridden
- # by the command line switches.
- unshift @ARGV, split( ' ', $ENV{PROVE_SWITCHES} ) if defined $ENV{PROVE_SWITCHES};
- Getopt::Long::Configure( 'no_ignore_case' );
- Getopt::Long::Configure( 'bundling' );
- GetOptions(
- 'b|blib' => \$blib,
- 'd|debug' => \$Test::Harness::debug,
- 'D|dry' => \$dry,
- 'h|help|?' => sub {pod2usage({-verbose => 1}); exit},
- 'H|man' => sub {pod2usage({-verbose => 2}); exit},
- 'I=s@' => \@includes,
- 'l|lib' => \$lib,
- 'perl=s' => \$ENV{HARNESS_PERL},
- 'r|recurse' => \$recurse,
- 's|shuffle' => \$shuffle,
- 't' => sub { unshift @switches, '-t' }, # Always want -t up front
- 'T' => sub { unshift @switches, '-T' }, # Always want -T up front
- 'w' => sub { push @switches, '-w' },
- 'W' => sub { push @switches, '-W' },
- 'strap=s' => \$ENV{HARNESS_STRAP_CLASS},
- 'timer' => \$Test::Harness::Timer,
- 'v|verbose' => \$Test::Harness::verbose,
- 'V|version' => sub { print_version(); exit; },
- ) or exit 1;
- $ENV{TEST_VERBOSE} = 1 if $Test::Harness::verbose;
- # Handle blib includes
- if ( $blib ) {
- my @blibdirs = blibdirs();
- if ( @blibdirs ) {
- unshift @includes, @blibdirs;
- }
- else {
- warn "No blib directories found.\n";
- }
- }
- # Handle lib includes
- if ( $lib ) {
- unshift @includes, 'lib';
- }
- # Build up TH switches
- push( @switches, map { /\s/ && !/^".*"$/ ? qq["-I$_"] : "-I$_" } @includes );
- $Test::Harness::Switches = join( ' ', @switches );
- print "# \$Test::Harness::Switches: $Test::Harness::Switches\n" if $Test::Harness::debug;
- @ARGV = File::Spec->curdir unless @ARGV;
- my @argv_globbed;
- my @tests;
- if ( $] >= 5.006001 ) {
- require File::Glob;
- @argv_globbed = map { File::Glob::bsd_glob($_) } @ARGV;
- }
- else {
- @argv_globbed = map { glob } @ARGV;
- }
- for ( @argv_globbed ) {
- push( @tests, -d $_ ? all_in( { recurse => $recurse, start => $_ } ) : $_ )
- }
- if ( @tests ) {
- shuffle(@tests) if $shuffle;
- if ( $dry ) {
- print join( "\n", @tests, '' );
- }
- else {
- print "# ", scalar @tests, " tests to run\n" if $Test::Harness::debug;
- runtests(@tests);
- }
- }
- sub print_version {
- printf( "prove v%s, using Test::Harness v%s and Perl v%vd\n",
- $VERSION, $Test::Harness::VERSION, $^V );
- }
- __END__
- =head1 NAME
- prove -- A command-line tool for running tests against Test::Harness
- =head1 SYNOPSIS
- prove [options] [files/directories]
- =head1 OPTIONS
- -b, --blib Adds blib/lib to the path for your tests, a la "use blib"
- -d, --debug Includes extra debugging information
- -D, --dry Dry run: Show the tests to run, but don't run them
- -h, --help Display this help
- -H, --man Longer manpage for prove
- -I Add libraries to @INC, as Perl's -I
- -l, --lib Add lib to the path for your tests
- --perl Sets the name of the Perl executable to use
- -r, --recurse Recursively descend into directories
- -s, --shuffle Run the tests in a random order
- --strap Define strap class to use
- -T Enable tainting checks
- -t Enable tainting warnings
- --timer Print elapsed time after each test file
- -v, --verbose Display standard output of test scripts while running them
- -V, --version Display version info
- Single-character options may be stacked. Default options may be set by
- specifying the PROVE_SWITCHES environment variable.
- =head1 OVERVIEW
- F<prove> is a command-line interface to the test-running functionality
- of C<Test::Harness>. With no arguments, it will run all tests in the
- current directory.
- Shell metacharacters may be used with command lines options and will be exanded
- via C<File::Glob::bsd_glob>.
- =head1 PROVE VS. "MAKE TEST"
- F<prove> has a number of advantages over C<make test> when doing development.
- =over 4
- =item * F<prove> is designed as a development tool
- Perl users typically run the test harness through a makefile via
- C<make test>. That's fine for module distributions, but it's
- suboptimal for a test/code/debug development cycle.
- =item * F<prove> is granular
- F<prove> lets your run against only the files you want to check.
- Running C<prove t/live/ t/master.t> checks every F<*.t> in F<t/live>,
- plus F<t/master.t>.
- =item * F<prove> has an easy verbose mode
- F<prove> has a C<-v> option to see the raw output from the tests.
- To do this with C<make test>, you must set C<HARNESS_VERBOSE=1> in
- the environment.
- =item * F<prove> can run under taint mode
- F<prove>'s C<-T> runs your tests under C<perl -T>, and C<-t> runs them
- under C<perl -t>.
- =item * F<prove> can shuffle tests
- You can use F<prove>'s C<--shuffle> option to try to excite problems
- that don't show up when tests are run in the same order every time.
- =item * F<prove> doesn't rely on a make tool
- Not everyone wants to write a makefile, or use L<ExtUtils::MakeMaker>
- to do so. F<prove> has no external dependencies.
- =item * Not everything is a module
- More and more users are using Perl's testing tools outside the
- context of a module distribution, and may not even use a makefile
- at all.
- =back
- =head2 -b, --blib
- Adds blib/lib to the path for your tests, a la "use blib".
- =head2 -d, --debug
- Include debug information about how F<prove> is being run. This
- option doesn't show the output from the test scripts. That's handled
- by -v,--verbose.
- =head2 -D, --dry
- Dry run: Show the tests to run, but don't run them.
- =head2 -I
- Add libraries to @INC, as Perl's -I.
- =head2 -l, --lib
- Add C<lib> to @INC. Equivalent to C<-Ilib>.
- =head2 --perl
- Sets the C<HARNESS_PERL> environment variable, which controls what
- Perl executable will run the tests.
- =head2 -r, --recurse
- Descends into subdirectories of any directories specified, looking for tests.
- =head2 -s, --shuffle
- Sometimes tests are accidentally dependent on tests that have been
- run before. This switch will shuffle the tests to be run prior to
- running them, thus ensuring that hidden dependencies in the test
- order are likely to be revealed. The author hopes the run the
- algorithm on the preceding sentence to see if he can produce something
- slightly less awkward.
- =head2 --strap
- Sets the HARNESS_STRAP_CLASS variable to set which Test::Harness::Straps
- variable to use in running the tests.
- =head2 -t
- Runs test programs under perl's -t taint warning mode.
- =head2 -T
- Runs test programs under perl's -T taint mode.
- =head2 --timer
- Print elapsed time after each test file
- =head2 -v, --verbose
- Display standard output of test scripts while running them. Also sets
- TEST_VERBOSE in case your tests rely on them.
- =head2 -V, --version
- Display version info.
- =head1 BUGS
- Please use the CPAN bug ticketing system at L<http://rt.cpan.org/>.
- You can also mail bugs, fixes and enhancements to
- C<< <bug-test-harness@rt.cpan.org> >>.
- =head1 TODO
- =over 4
- =item *
- Shuffled tests must be recreatable
- =back
- =head1 AUTHORS
- Andy Lester C<< <andy at petdance.com> >>
- =head1 COPYRIGHT
- Copyright 2004-2006 by Andy Lester C<< <andy at petdance.com> >>.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
- See L<http://www.perl.com/perl/misc/Artistic.html>.
- =cut